Be A Changemaker!

Support Scholars as they seek to reach their educational and career goals.

Volunteers play a critical role in the PCF program. Volunteer engagement opportunities range from a one-time commitment (1/2 day) to a multi-year commitment (4 years). We rely on volunteers to share their expertise, experience, and perspective with PCF Scholars. Join our community of volunteers and help PCF Scholars to reach their personal and professional goals!

Annual Events

Some volunteer opportunities include:

Student Facing Events
Winter Training December/January
College & Career Leadership Conference Panelist/Speaker July
Career Exploration Fair Participant July
Business Host Throughout the year
Other Events
Become a scholarship reader/interviewer February/March
Host a Lunch and Learn Mentor Recruiting Event November - April
Become a Mentor Ongoing
Support a Scholar Internship Throughout the year

Pay it Forward

The road to success is rarely traveled alone. Make an impact by volunteering your time, talent and/or treasure to level the playing field for first-generation, low-income college students.

Success in College and Beyond